Using a chance-generator or throwing dice to escape an early predictable outcome in the process of improvised line-drawing creates a paradox. First it creates a distance or gap between the artist and the art by introducing an external medium. Then, to overcome that distance, part of the process is formalised. Detachment corrupts the idea of restricting expression to line-drawing and formalisation leads to an increase of control and therefore predictability. The protean reflex is a model that resembles an embodied chance-mechanism that introduces unpredictability within the medium of drawing, without using a chance-generator or dice. The reflex is triggered by the tension between the formal and the informal described above. ![]() Proteans. The dynamics of pursuit and evasion are responsible for the unpredictable behaviour of single prey animals fleeing from a predator. This type of behaviour is called 'Protean defence'(1). ![]() Take for example the erratic zigzagging of a hare fleeing from a fox. The motor capacities for generating random unpredictable behavior of the hare developed in a co-evolution with the foxes perceptual capacities for predicting animate motion. In evolution, the hares that excel at random behavior have best chances of surviving, while on the other side, the foxes that are best at predicting this behavior have best chances to survive and reproduce. In this arms race, both qualities develop towards increasing levels of complexity. |
The Protean Reflex, In the children's game of tag, that involves one or more players chasing other players in an attempt to "tag" or touch them, experience learns that best chances to escape occur when distance between chaser and runner is at a minimum. Experiments have shown that reaction-time to unexpected stimuli is about 200ms, so within this range, both players depend on automatic reflexes, and the player with best reflexes has best chances to win. A hare chased by a fox appears to make a random choice between different reflexes. I have drawn a model for random choice based on the dynamics of pursuit and evasion. The dynamics place the moment of choice within the 200ms range. A trigger mechanism is responsible for the timing. A trigger is a mechanism you can find on a lot of electronic music equipment. It is a switch that is activated when the volume of a piece of music crosses a certain threshold. If this music is replaced with chaotic noise, the switch will be triggered at an unpredictable moment. The model operates as follows; The dynamics of pursuit and evasion (the formal zeroing-in on the informal), push decision time within the 200ms range, so there is no time for a conscious decision. This means that all information has become indistinguishable, in other words; information has become noise. Above this noise a trigger mechanism is operational, so an arbitrary choice is made at an arbitrary moment. A model like this does not necessarily represent an actual functioning machine. In this case it doesn't need to be because a model is situated somewhere between idea and realisation, and this is also the realm where drawing itself operates. So in this case it is sufficient for the model to be logical and convincing to be effective for the process of drawing. (1) Humphries, D.A.; Driver, P. M. (1970) "Protean defence by prey animals", |
7.the WordPad ![]()
12.The ABC of
13.Jack Jack & de
zines, sounds, ![]() marc van elburg 016 |