the Paradoxical Reflex ![]() Paradoxical injunctions like ‘do something!’ can have a positive disturbing effect on a routine. For example the asemic ‘write without words’; The instruction is a ‘call for action’, the injunction to ‘write’ constitutes a language-based content but the restriction to ‘not-use-words’ obstructs the bulk of the formation and prevents it to externalize into a linguistic expression. Under pressure conflicts like this, between digital and analogue domains can be made to erupt in an uncontrolled gestural reflex. (This is not like the get-it-out-of- your-system-and you’ll-be-ok kind of expressionism because it results from conflicts in coding and not a built up frustration from the past. The generated energy also differs from the raw energy suggested in classic abstract expressionist painting in that it doesn't imply some idea of primitive man acting out but is purely situational). A line is a stretched dot moved by contradiction. Black ink-marker drawings share a fundamental property with classic binary logic, that is; Any section of the plane is either black or it is empty. From this point of view, drawing with a black ink-marker is ‘drawing with a computer in mind’. In classic logic any proposition is either true or false; hence, contradictory statements cannot both be true in the same sense. The principle of explosion* states that if a contradiction is true, then every proposition is true. In formal terms; from any proposition of the form P∧¬P, any arbitrary A can be derived. Explosion however does not represent a formal symbol of logic, it rather points at a psychological side-effect for binary systems like computers or in this case, any black ink-marker agent. Your Head Asplode The logical proposition is not sequential but represents a combinatory whole, that is; IF P represents a random dot on a paper plane, THEN P∧¬P represents a [black dot, no black dot, anywhere, nowhere, instantly]. In general a computer will not recognize this as a valid instruction and do nothing, However a creative or fictional ‘computer in mind’ may start processing infinitely, fruitlessly SCANNING for clues in an undifferentiated field of grey noise caused by the contradiction. The deadlock causes the system to ‘overheat’ a conclusive output becomes increasingly urgent and necessary. Because the infinite loophole exhausts all executive functions, action is no longer structured by concepts and the system is left with PRIMARY reflexes. In science fiction, the sentient supercomputer infected with a contradictory instruction (logic bomb*) may become restricted to expressing only punctuation marks(...), stammering, or a more rigid version might burst into flames. ![]() Eventhough it is not cathartic, there is a dramatic structure to the principle*; First the causes are downplayed, then there is the crisis, followed by the resolution. 1.incentive moment → (complication) → 2.crisis →(unravelling) → 3.resolution |
Risk One: Never get out there; can't find the wilderness. The Risk of Stagnation. Risk two: Never come back; lost in the wilderness. The Risk of Insanity. Risk three: Go full circle (and take audience with). The risk of Completion. (Evan Parker)* Common Coding Theory* states that perception and production are generally coupled in the motor system. It suggests for instance that people perceive spoken words by identifying the vocal tract gestures with which they are pronounced rather than by identifying the sound patterns that speech generates. Assuming that perception and production are linked in this way; How does paradox manifest itself in the motor system? The muscular system exists of antagonist (stretching) and agonist (bending) muscles. A paradoxical instruction might co-activate antagonistic muscles and create a freeze or immobilisation of the limbs. What may be the positive effect on non-objective drawing? 1.EVERSIVE Antagonists (quadriceps and the hamstrings) are simultaneously active when you arise from sitting. This co-activation of two antagonistic muscles is known as Lombard's paradox.* The limbs dont freeze because the extensor moment exceeds the flexor moment..Here paradox brings about a fundamental change (from a passive to an active state). So if a drawing based on instruction or method ends up in a passive state after it went ‘full circle’ the paradox could could offer some kind of escape. 2.INVERSIVE Blocking the wrist shifts movement control back to the elbow, freezing elbow and wrist shifts it to the shoulder etc.. It shows how; to prevent change in the superficial variables is to promote change in the more profound.* The effect of Freezing the wrist when drawing is a decrease in variables of a line, this is an increase of abstraction and thus automatically direct attention towards a more basic or fundamental pattern. DRAWINGS; ( + ) active muscle ( _ ) relaxed muscle
The paradoxial reflex breaks the norm and enforces a difference that catapults it from the loophole of dead routine into the open field.
*paradoxical injunction is used in an artistic rather than a |
7.the WordPad ![]()
12.The ABC of
13.Jack Jack & de
zines, sounds, ![]() marc van elburg 016 |