Symmetries and Triggers. V&G (2015-2018) was an artzine and an A.R.generated virtual artspace. Every drawing in this zine triggered a different A.R. space. For a drawing to function as a trigger image it needed to be distinguishable from other images. At the same time I wanted to present them as being part of the same project so they could not be too different. This principle seemed to me to connect to something that is fundamental to all the drawings on this site. A good trigger-image is an image with enough unique distinguishable qualities that prevent it from being confused with similar images. A drawing with a minimum of distinguishabilities is a drawing with a lot of symmetries. A drawing with a lot of symmetries will not connect to the server of the app because the image is too homogeneous. It would cause it to address multiple locations simultaneously. The more symmetries in a drawing, and the more uniform repetition in a pattern, the worse it will function as a trigger. Take for example the square; All the angles of the square are identical, as are its sides. Its orientation (left, right, above, below) and scale cannot be deduced from its shape. And also when it is cut in half its symmetry remains. ![]() Within the context of a trigger, every line of a drawing has clear, distinguishable and unique qualities. And within this context, a good drawing is a drawing that maximizes its distance to symmetry and repetition in order to make the connection between the external memory on the server of the app as clear and strong as possible. ![]() (some of the V&G trigger images) With symmetry as a geometrical point-zero, the drawing process now has a clear direction and a general goal, that is; maximizing its distance to that origin. (1) This move-away from symmetry is not an infinite process, because from the moment ink-lines can but overlap, the number of indistinguishabilities will also increase. Therefore, an ideal trigger is a drawing that has optimized that distance. The variation threshold One might conclude that for an abstract drawing to function as a trigger, it needs a maximum of line-variations. However, if this means that such a drawing would always have, of every type of line, in any given situation, one, unique example, then the final outcome will not be one of optimum diversity. Because if, for example, in every forest, there would be of every tree one single unique species, then every forest would be like any other forest that also has one unique species of every tree. A global symmetry has emerged because a program was executed too rigidly. Therefore, a certain level of accidental symmetry is a necessary condition for structural diversity. In other words; a flawless, perfectly executed program, or a program without replication errors, is a kind of procedural symmetry and therefore not suited to produce a good trigger image. It follows that an ideal procedure, is a procedure that executes a program -always, sometimes, here or there, more or less perfect. As a consequence, the outcome of the drawing process, even though it has a clear direction and a goal, has become unpredictable. |
(V&G exhibition at Motel Spatie 2018) Art, shape and memory In the Vector & Golf artspace, the relation between the drawing and part of its content is arbitrary because the augmented files are not stored within the shape of the trigger itself. (2) However, an effective trigger is a crucial link between the reader and the augmented data on the server of the app. The triggers of the Vector & Golf artspace are works of art. This defines a work of art as; the structure that enables a connection with an external memory. Such a coupled, external memory is a creative memory. (3) The material form of the drawing (ink on paper) is permanent, but the virtual, augmented content is not and can be altered at any given time. This situation is not unlike the active visual experience of a work art like a drawing, where the material form of the drawing is permanent but the perception of that form depends on personal experience, predispositions, time etc. in other words; the augmented artspace is a portal to the content of the work of art and at the same time it is a metaphor for the experience of art. Link to video V&G zine #1 Link to video V&G zine #2 Link to video V&G zine #3 V&G zine #4 Notes (1) Leyton, Michael. The Structure of Paintings, Springer-Verlag/Wien (2006) (2)Shape itself is a kind of memory store. The shape of a dent holds information about the causal history of that shape. In other words; a dent is the imprint of the force responsible for its shape. See also; Leyton, Michael. The Structure of Paintings, Springer-Verlag/Wien (2006) According to prof. Leyton artworks are ‘optimized shape’ i.e. maximal memory stores and symmetry is the absence of memory(). In case of the Vector & Golf art space one might add that besides being a maximal memory store, the work of art is a crucial tool in a kind of procedural memory. (3) According to Kevin O’Regan part of the human memory is also external memory. O'Regan, J. Kevin. The world as an outside memory. Canadian Journal of Psychology Vol 46(3), Sep 1992, 461-488. |
7.the WordPad ![]()
12.The ABC of
13.Jack Jack & de
zines, sounds, ![]() marc van elburg 016 |